Two cities,
in one voice

The history of the Cagnoni family is particularly linked to the two towns that have made the Italian accordion famous throughout the world, Stradella and Castelfidardo.

Muzio Cagnoni was born in Stradella in 1915, where he learnt his first notions of accordion making. In Castelfidardo, where his family moved, he completed his training by combining the creative and productive talents of the two schools.

In 1946, Mr. Cagnoni, on the strength of his experience, talent and intuition, founded his own company to which he would dedicate himself for over sixty years with endless passion and skill.

The values that distinguished the founder have been passed on to his successors who, while respecting tradition, have given greater impetus to the family firm by bringing technological innovation, advanced engineering and commercial dynamism.

Today, Cagnoni reeds for accordions is a reference point in the world accordion market and can meet the requirements of the most demanding customers.